Saturday 8 January 2011

Attaching pedals to a home made pedal board

I have tried fixing effects pedals to my pedalboard with velcro in the past, but it's not ideal. Another option I have seen is to drill through the board on each side of the pedal and use a cable tie to secure the pedal, but I don't like that option either.
I came across this website - They sell a whole bunch of mounting kits and brackets so you can screw down virtually any pedal to your board. They also sell a very good power supply which looks remarkably similar to the one Diago sell for five times the price, and it comes complete with fixing brackets too. I have seen some other options which may be worth looking at, Pedal Board Tape which is a 'super velcro' and Pedal Boots, a nice idea, but limited to only a few brands of pedal at the moment.

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