Thursday 6 January 2011

Hardwire Tube Overdrive CM-2 by Digitech

The Hardwire cm-2 is basically a Tube Screamer clone. Most Tube Screamer pedals whether they are Maxon, Ibanez or one of the many clones are quite similar, with only subtle differences, but the price differences are quite extreme. The cm-2 sits at the cheaper end of the market at around £80.

The cm-2 is a little different to other pedals of this ilk as it has independent bass and treble controls and the classic/modified switch. The pots click round so they can be set up more accurately and there is a rubber cover for the knobs that protects them and stops them being moved in transit so your settings remain intact. It's also true bypass which seems to be quite popular these days, that appealed to me as I like the tone of my current amp when the guitar is plugged in directly. It's also a little bit larger than most pedals so looks really solid.

The most important thing of course is how does it sound? well, the words earthy and organic spring to mind, with my particular set-up and playing style it works very well, and to my ears, sounds great. I prefer the classic mode especially with the neck pickup on a Strat. Having the modified option is useful if you prefer a more modern tone, just makes the thing more versatile.
Will it suit you? will it sound right with your set-up? there are just too many variables involved to know for sure, so best get down to your local music shop and find out for yourself.

If you are on even more of a budget then the Digitech Bad Monkey (£40) or the Behringer TO800 (£25) are also worth a look (I have thought about putting the circuit from the Behringer into a custom painted metal box and flogging it for £150). The Biyang OD8 also looks very interesting.

If you want to spend a bit more, Ibanez have released the TS808hw and TS808 reissue.

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