Sunday 12 June 2011

Ibanez Original Tube Screamer TS808 re-issue

I really like the sound of tube screamers, but have never owned the genuine article as most of the clones are cheaper and do a similar job.

I happened to be on Ebay and came across a reissue in excellent order and within budget, so I decided to go for it.

I am now using this in conjunction with a Digitech Bad Monkey. The re-issue TS is used for the crunch/rhythm and cleaner lead sound and the BM as an extra boost/heavier lead sound.

I would prefer it if the LED was a bit more visible, that's the only thing I have an issue with.

Would I buy a vintage model for £300+ if it had the ® mark,the little dash between the TS-808 and the much sought after chip? well it would take a lot of convincing that it's that much better than this one.

Update: Not being able to see the dim LED unless you looked right over it got quite annoying. In the end I replaced the red LED with a much brighter blue one, no problem seeing it now, just a straight swap, no resistors changed at all.

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