Saturday 9 June 2012

New Pedalboard - TC Electronics Pedals

I have just finished putting together a new pedal board and decided to mainly use pedals from the TC Electronic range.

The pedal board features the following pedals:
  • TC Electronic Polytune Tuner.
  • Ibanez TS-808 Tubescreamer.
  • TC Electronic  Spark Booster.
  • TC Electronic Mojo Mojo Overdrive.
  • TC Electronic  Corona Chorus.
  • TC Electronic  FlashBack Echo.
The Spark Booster is used for clean solos or to boost the Tube Screamer for solos.
The Mojo Mojo is also used as a boost for the Tube Screamer, but for a longer sustain/heavier sound.

I have also added a Morley mini volume wah pedal to the setup.
When I first tried out this pedal the wah setting was a bit harsh at the treble end, but a quick adjustment of the optics sorts that out. More details of how to carry out this procedure are available here.

This board was designed to use with any amp, but works particularly well with my Fender Blues Junior which has now become my amp of choice.

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